
Sunday 22 September 2013

Trip to Gurudwara

Trip  to Gurudwara: An illuminative Journey of the soul  Students of grade 4  visited Gurudwara as apart of their EVS curriculum.
The proceedings commenced from covering the heads for the prayer meeting
known as “ Ardaas” preceeded by “Gurbani “ melodiously recited by the
gurudwara administrators highlighting the great life and the sacrifice
made by ten Gurus was followed by distribution of the sacred “Kada Prasad”.
The word 'Guru' in Sanskrit means teacher, honoured person, religious
person or saint. Sikhism though has a very specific definition of the word
'Guru'. It means the descent of divine guidance to mankind provided
through ten Enlightened Masters. This honour of being called a Sikh Guru
applies only to the ten Gurus who founded the religion starting with Guru
Nanak in 1469 and ending with Guru Gobind Singh in 1708; thereafter it
refers to the Sikh Holy Scriptures the Guru Granth Sahib. The divine
spirit was passed from one Guru to the next as "The light of a lamp which
lights another does not abate. Similarly a spiritual leader and his
disciple become equal, Nanak says the truth." Enlightened by such great
thoughts, there after the students proceeded for the holy Prasad of
“Langar” where many of the teachers participated in the spiritual Kaar Sewa with complete devotion and reverence.

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